Register a Chapter
What are Sunrizon Economics Chapters?
Spread economic literacy to your school and local community by starting a Sunrizon Economics Chapter, or enhance your current club with Sunrizon Economics programs & resources by registering as a chapter!
Chapters can be registered for elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools, and can be located anywhere around the world.
Registered chapters will be provided with a multitude of resources to ensure success!
Why start a Chapter?
By taking the initiative to start Sunrizon Economics Chapter, or registering your current club as chapter, you are taking the step to further enhance economic literacy in your school and local community! Registering a chapter will grant your Sunrizon Economics Chapter access to all Sunrizon Economics programs & resources! Registered chapters will be able to participate in our Book Program, along with our various other programs, and receive additional economics resources to help the chapter excel!
We're dedicated to your chapter's success.
Chapter registration is free, as well as the provided programs & resources! We hope you join us today by registering a Sunrizon Economics Chapter. Together, we can help the sun rise on economics!
Happy economics learning!